We will only consider proposals from African production companies. You must therefore be:


  • A registered African production company
  • Independent African producer
  • A content distributor based in Africa

We will accept submissions ONLY if there is audio-visual material that suggests significant development of the concept. Please note this must be filmed content. We do not accept video pitches as filmed content.


While we can accept a range of submission proposals, the following materials provide our assessment team with the greatest understanding of your project and where it may fit on our development slate. Please include the following information in your attached proposal: 

Existing Programmes

  • Program / series title and duration/s
  • Year of production
  • Brief synopsis / links to trailer or any further useful information online
  • Contact details of producer / distribution company
  • A short bio on the producer / writer / director
  • Details of any existing channels it has been aired on or film festivals it has been shown at

New Concepts 

  • Pitch document
  • Series outline
  • Sample script

Audio visual material must be submitted via non-expiring video links (YouTube, Vimeo etc) and include at least ONE or more of the following:


  • Proof of concept video
  • Pilot episode
  • Sample scenes


Please note that we don’t consider video pitches.


Assessing projects properly and carefully is a priority. On receipt of a submission that meets our guidelines we will formally acknowledge receipt of the proposal via email, review it in full and make every effort to respond in a timely way. Please be aware that we receive many submissions throughout the year. An applicant can generally expect to receive a response to their proposal within 8 weeks of acknowledgement of receipt. 


Programs are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Approved Content Strategy;
  • Platform requirements (note that good programs can be rejected if there is no current audience need for them);
  • Quality of production;
  • Relevance to African viewers;
  • Appeal to a particular demographic;
  • Innovation in style or content;
  • Budget available.